Providing Effective Financing for Clean Energy Projects

Clean Sustainable Energy Through C-PACE

CastleGreen Finance provides Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE), a unique tool that can finance energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements on commercial real estate property.

CastleGreen has some of the industry’s top experts who leverage their extensive experience to provide clients with a capital solution to create and redevelop sustainable energy-efficient real estate through a highly efficient capital structure. C-PACE can be used across most asset types for various stages of a property’s life cycle, and it allows a property owner to finance the up-front cost of the eligible improvements and then pay the costs back over time through a voluntary tax assessment.

In addition to energy-efficient improvements, C-PACE can be used for safety and sustainability measures such as seismic improvements and wind mitigation. Plus, C-PACE includes a look-back feature allows property owners to recover capital after an eligible project has been completed.

For more information on all of CastleGreen Finance’s offerings, click here.

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